Elite Electricians of Tomorrow

Elite Electric established this endowment in 2016. Luke 12:48 references: “For everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked”. This verse has lain heavy on the heart of the Wells family during the years of Elite Electric’s success in the electrical trade. Through hard-work and perseverance, God has greatly blessed Elite Electric. It is with this in mind, and through much prayer, that this endowment was created. This endowment represents a desire to help lay a strong foundation in the lives of the young electricians of the future. Elite Electric is pleased and honored to be a part of the journey. They pray that MTC Electrical Construction & Maintenance students will also be blessed and that they can, on some level, be a part of the student’s success story. The scholarship will be awarded to first year, full-time Electrical Construction and Maintenance students.
